Stahlo Classification label LESS B

B stands for a very good class

Example for B class

The electric steel mill currently offers the best solution. Here, the scrap is melted into steel in an electric arc furnace (EAF) using an energy mix. The so-called "recycling route" can be further improved by using green electricity. Current obstacles are the availability of green power and the economic viability due to electricity costs.

Stahlo route recycling

Mixed current is used to melt scrap into steel in the electric arc furnace. Due to the recycling-related by-elements, only a limited range of grades can be produced. By using green electricity, the process route could be rated one grade better. In general, this process route should only be seen as a bridge technology or supplementary technology, as the available scrap quantities are not sufficient to cover the entire steel demand.


The Label:

The label makes the various solutions offered by steel manufacturers transparent. The focus is on the basic product with the highest emissions, namely from the raw material through crude steel production to the hot-rolled coil. To this end, Stahlo has developed a combined label that expands the Low Emission Steel Standard (Less) of the German Steel Federation with additional information on the main elements of the process. This gives Stahlo customers the transparency and comparability of the Less classification as well as further information about the “HOW” of the manufacturer. The various elements of production are represented by simple symbols.